adding bond should display a greyed preview of new bond location
was updated by Paul
Friday Oct 15
ticket - user should be able to use shortcut keys for common operations was updated by Paul 09:05 PM ticket
- when bond tool is selected, click-dragging on an atom should draw a bond in the direction of the drag was updated by Paul 09:05 PM ticket
- when template tool selected, clicking on a bond fuses template to target molecule was updated by Paul 09:05 PM ticket
- when template tool is selected, clicking on an atom should or fuse, depending on valence of atom clicked was updated by Paul 09:04 PM ticket
- user should be able to use shortcut keys for common operations was updated by Paul 09:03 PM ticket
- when template tool is selected, clicking on an atom should or fuse, depending on valence of atom clicked was updated by Paul 09:02 PM ticket
- when template tool selected, clicking on a bond fuses template to target molecule was updated by Paul 09:02 PM ticket
- adding a template to a molecule should place template at correct angle was updated by Paul 09:02 PM ticket
when template tool select, clicking on an atom should sprout template
was updated by Paul
Thursday Oct 14