paul (at wingu)
when atom toolbar selected, shift-click on an atom should sprout a bond to a new atom
was updated by paul (at wingu)
Friday Oct 08
ticket - when template tool select, clicking on an atom should sprout template was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:19 PM ticket
- when bond tool selected, shift-drag should allow drawing bond to any length or angle was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:18 PM ticket
- when template tool is selected, clicking on an atom should or fuse, depending on valence of atom clicked was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:18 PM ticket
- when the bond toolbar is selected, click-dragging from an atom to a nearby atom should create a new bond between the two atoms was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:18 PM ticket
- when bond tool is selected, click-dragging on an atom should draw a bond in the direction of the drag was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:17 PM ticket
- when bond tool is selected, click-dragging on an atom should draw a bond in the direction of the drag was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:15 PM ticket
- when bond tool is selected, clicking on terminal atom of a chain should continue chain was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:14 PM ticket
- when bond tool is selected, clicking on the same carbon atom three times should create a tetra-methyl group was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:14 PM ticket
- Editor should be able to edit single molecules outside of a reaction was updated by paul (at wingu) 03:14 PM ticket