paul (at wingu)
let reaction decide if new molecule i... was committed by Paul Novak
Wednesday Sep 22
changeset -
update json unit tests to handle mode... was committed by Paul Novak 07:31 PM changeset
comment out long-running query test h... was committed by Paul Novak 07:31 PM changeset
unit test cleanup http://github.com/k... was committed by Paul Novak 07:31 PM changeset
arrow placement should determine which molecules are reactants, products or reagents was updated by paul (at wingu)
Tuesday Sep 21
ticket -
test if molecule is reactant or produ... was committed by Paul Novak 09:00 PM changeset
test if molecule is reactant or produ... was committed by Paul Novak 07:36 PM changeset
fix rendering of double bonds in ring... was committed by Paul Novak 06:52 PM changeset
double bonds in benzene ring displaying on 'outside' of ring was updated by paul (at wingu) 06:52 PM ticket
cannot delete single-atom molecule was updated by paul (at wingu) 06:52 PM ticket